The rules of Ultimate Tic Tac Toe! Simple and easy. Just like the rules of your beloved oh regular shmegular Tic Tac Toe! You hear of it? If not, well there's a place to start! Please read the rules for basic Tic Tac Toe below! If not, then there a place not to start; skip the rules of Tic Tac Toe below onto the section below it to the rules of Ultimate Tic Tac Toe. Well, unless you know the rules of Ultimate Tic Tac Toe (or unless you just like to go into things head first and figure things out along the way; which is not such a bad plan sometimes...), in which case, why did you click this button?. Anyways, end of the introduction nowww and onto the rules!
Hello the Rules of basic Tic Tac Toe here.
1) You play with 2 people. This is a two player game so grab a friend! Then one of you is the Xs and the other is the Os. Decide who's who. Rock Paper Scissors for it.
2) Then, after you've decided, you go back and forth marking Xs and Os as you take your turns on a 3 by 3 grid.
3) Nooowwww, once one of you, whoever first, Xs or Os marks 3 boxes in a row in a grid, you win! Horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. And in this program, whichever grid you won in will be marked with the sign of whoever one! So Xs, then the grid will become all Xs! Os? Well vice versa. And if you were paying attention, then you might be asking, "whichever grid you won in"? Well read the steps for Ultimate Tic Tac Toe up next and it will all make sense!
1) Still a two player game, still the same rules! Just at a larger scale and more... interdimensional?
2) Well, you win the same way. Get your marks (Xs and Os) 3 times in a row, you win! Except, now, instead of one 3 by 3 grid there are nine 3 by 3 grids, and the grids have been designed into one giant 3 by 3 grid! Math checks out, I checked it.
3) When players begin to marks their Xs and Os, say a player marks an X on the upper right corner of the middle grid, then the next player would have to make their play on the grid in the upper right corner of the board. And if that player decides to mark their O in the middle box of said grid, then the next player will have to make their next move in the middle grid of the board, and so on. Once a player has taken over 3 grids that make the traditional horizontal, vertical, and diagonal line, then that player has won!
P.S You can refresh the page to play again!